La vida en Madrid

26 Sep

I call this place HOME:

Well after this week, I will have been in Madrid for a MONTH and I cannot believe how fast the time is going. With less than 3 months left, I’m feeling like I have a lifetime of things left I want to do in Spain (and Europe) on my ever-growing to-do list.

Throughout the past two weekends I’ve tried to knock a few of them off the list, including taking the “Teleferico,” an aerial transit from Madrid into Caso de Campo (Madrid’s largest park, located just outside the main city), getting churros con chocolate once  twice at Madrid’s most famous Chocolatería, going to “El Rastro,” a weekly street market where I bought Aladdin-esque pants, and exploring the beautiful Gran Via area in the heart of Madrid.

The remnants of our first “churros con chocolate” experience at

San Gines Chocolatería

As far as school goes, I only have one week left in my first Spanish class…which means I only have a week to finish the last 50 pages in a Spanish novel. Still cannot believe I’m actually reading a real BOOK in another language. In my art class, we’ve gone to the Palacio Real and the Botanical Gardens to draw so far. Really can’t complain about getting to draw in some of the most picturesque places I’ve ever seen!

I haven’t been able to get this song out of my head since the first time I heard it about a month ago. It’s topping the Spanish Billboard charts right now, and it’s just about time this little gem hits American soil:

Danza Kuduro by Don Omar

Time to get cracking on yet another Spanish essay!

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